InnovZman / Zmanim Portal The Source for Zmanim and Hebrew Calendar Related Information
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לזכר נשמת
In Memory Of
רפוא שלמה
For Speedy Recovery Of
אליאהו חיים בן חנה ריזאל
אהובא בת נחאמה לאה
In Honor Of
לידה לאה בת שרה
What's New
Welcome to InnovZman version 2.0. It was build from ground up for ease of use, more flexility and functionality while utilizing the latest technology.
Highlight of some of the new features are:There was a problem with calculating the parsha for when Pesach starts on Shabbat. This problem was fixed in addition to some other minor issues.

Version 3.0 is in the works and B"H will use KosherJava Zmanim library.

*** New ***
InnovZman is becoming Zmanim Portal. This is done to reflect the expanded offerings, customization and capabilities that version 3.0 will have. It will B"H be a true Portal of Zmanim and Hebrew Calendar information.
This website was developed to provide a comprehensive tool for zmanim and Hebrew calendar related information and education.
This website is designed back in 2007 to work with the leading web browsers. However, some of the features are optimized for use with Microsoft Internet Explorer® version 5.5 or later. On IE 8 or 9, please run in compatibility mode. If you are experiencing any problems with other versions of web browsers, please let us know.

Version 3.0 B"H will be able to run on the latest version of most browsers.

Date & Location
Date: Friday, July 26, 2024   20 Tamuz 5784  
Shabbat Parsha: Pinchas (Diaspora)
Daf Yomi: Bava Batra 31
Please select a location for zmanim information
Important Dates
Rosh Chodesh אבMonday August 5
Taanit Tisha B'AvTuesday August 13
Rosh Chodesh אלולTuesday September 3 - Wednesday September 4
Molad of אב: Monday, August 5, 2024 at: 1:53 AM and 11 Chalakim (Yerushalayim Local Standard Time).
Molad of אלול: Tuesday, September 3, 2024 at: 2:37 PM and 12 Chalakim (Yerushalayim Local Standard Time).
Molad of תשרי: Thursday, October 3, 2024 at: 3:21 AM and 13 Chalakim (Yerushalayim Local Standard Time).
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